Anxiety Related Difficulties

Anxiety is a normal human emotion provoked by anticipating situations that cause you discomfort or stress. In many circumstances, feeling anxious is an acceptable but temporary response. However, sometimes we may have a heightened anxious response that is disproportionally large to the thing that causes us stress. In these circumstances, our anxiety stops being useful and instead causes us distress by interfering with our daily life. Seeing a counsellor can help figure out how to bring your anxiousness back into your own control.

To help you better manage your anxiety we will use a variety of therapeutic techniques that can help give you the tools you need. This may include:

  • Mindfulness Based Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (MBCT)

  • Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (REBT)

  • Acceptance and Committment Therapy (ACT

Our counselling and psychotherapy sessions are available in person in Kelowna or Online.