Couples Counselling

We help get relationships unstuck by helping you change underlying patterns. This helps rebuild trust and reconnect in a secure and loving way.

Who would Couples Counselling be good for?

Ask Yourself:

  • Do you feel stuck because you and your partner are having the same fights over and over again?

  • Do you feel that when things are good with your partner they are very good, but when they are bad they are very bad?

  • Do you feel easily triggered by your partner because of resentment that has built up, or because of unsettled arguments?

  • Have romance and connection in your relationship been replaced with distance, loneliness and frustration?

  • Do you rarely talk to one another at all—at least not in any meaningful way?

  • Has a betrayal of trust made you feel that you don’t even know your partner anymore?

Couples typically face challenges all the time, but what happens when, in a relationship, there’s constant arguing, fighting, and individuals walking away from confrontations feeling hurt and misunderstood? These disagreements can be trivial, yet can include longstanding arguments about finances, parenting, and infidelity. Therapy is designed to help couples resolve conflicts and develop healthy relationship skills.

If you are struggling with relationship issues, attempting to connect with your partner may leave you feeling sad and lonely. As time goes on, you may feel more and more certain that things can’t continue this way—you cannot settle for a lifetime of tension and conflict. You may also think back to the beginning of your relationship and long for the person you fell in love with. Perhaps it’s difficult to understand how you and your partner got here. What happened to the support and connection you used to share? If this resonates with you seeing couples counselling may very well benefit your relationship. Contact us to book an in-person counselling and psychotherapy session in Kelowna, BC, or a virtual session.

Our Approach

Reflective Soul Counsellors are here to help you both gain insight into reactions and behaviours so you can transform the dynamics in your relationship. As dynamics shift and you start to experience your relationship differently, you develop greater physical and emotional intimacy.

Reflective Soul Counsellors use evidence based methods such as the Gottman Couples Counselling approach, based upon decades of research. We provide support so you can improve connections, communication and intimacy. We help you rebuild your relationship by making small changes. These changes can have an incredible effect on on your relationship and lives.

Counselling can help to reduce resentment, loneliness, and sadness and increase connection, forgiveness, intimacy, and happiness.

What is the goal of Couples Counselling?