As we start the new year it’s time to think about how our physical and mental wellbeing is closely related. When the two are in balance we can better cope with stress, adversity and so much more. Here are a few ways you can start this new year off on a good foot!

  • Stay active. Physical exercise lifts your spirits and helps to clarify your thinking. When we burn calories, it strengthens your heart, and tone your muscles. Visiting the gym or running through the park is a great way to help you lead a fuller life.

  • Eat a healthy diet. It is important to nourish your body and mind with delicious whole foods. Enjoy 5 or more servings of vegetables and fruits each day and try to cut back on added sugar and salt.

  • Sleep well. I go to bed and wake up on the same schedule each day. I wake up feeling energized and refreshed.

  • Deal with stress constructively. There are many different ways that we can reduce our stress and improve our coping capabilities. For example try to practice yoga, meditate and do deep breathing. You can also take a bath, listen to soft music, read a book or do something that helps you to relax.

  • Develop mutually supportive relationships. Spend time with family and friends. Know that it’s important to discuss your thoughts and feelings with those you trust. Remember its ok to ask for help when your struggling.

  • Think positive. Look on the bright side when you run into difficult situations. Forgive yourself and others for past disappointments. Use my self-talk to build your confidence and motivation. Take a few minutes each day to reflect on 3 things you are thankful for every day, and 3 things you are proud of yourself for each day. Remember you do not need to have pained the monalisa, you just need to identify 3 things you are proud of yourself for, i.e. I’m thankful I put on matching socks, or got out of bed earlier than usual, or choose not to eat a bunch of sweets today.

  • Laugh and play. It’s important to find the fun in life, we do not always need to be serious. Laughter and fun allows the brain and body to have some downtime and enjoy life. Watch funny movies and videos. Share jokes with your friends. Sing karaoke and dance with brooms.

  • Tend to your spiritual wellness. Whether you are religious or not its important to tend to your spiritual wellness. For some, that means you may meditate and pray. For others, you will live according to your faith.

Today, take a moment to recognize the connection between your body and mind. Make choices that keep you strong and fit. Our bodies and minds matter!

Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. How do my emotions affect my health?

  2. How can I increase my self-awareness?

  3. What is my body saying to me now?


Embracing the Power of Positivity: The Importance of a Positive Mindset


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