Self-Improvement - Building the foundation to my future.

Today, I am laying the foundation for an amazing future.

Life sometimes has a way of throwing us a curveball. For some, you may feel stuck, some need to start over and for others they feel lost. Regardless of where you are at, or what is going on in your life, you can make the choice to change. You can choose to take action. The following are a few steps to start taking actions towards building the future you want.

  • Take actions today to enhance your life tomorrow. Identify what your long-term vision for your future is, and actively take steps to realize that vision.

  • Remember that an amazing future requires planning, discipline, and patience. Lay the foundation each day for your amazing future.

  • Develop goals. Identify the steps and actions necessary to make those goals a reality. Remember you are able to keep your eyes on the future and to take those necessary steps each day.

A DREAM written down with a date becomes a GOAL. A goal broken down into steps becomes a PLAN. A plan backed by ACTION becomes a REALITY!

  • Remember that building the life you want can be challenging to be so disciplined and patient, know it is worth the effort, and at times, inconvenience in the end. Your amazing future will get closer each day.

  • The future is coming quickly, so know that you are preparing myself. Do everything you need to do in order to deserve an amazing future. I am putting in the work and doing so with a smile on my face.

  • Know that you can have high expectations and I know they are being met through the efforts you put in.

  • Allow yourself to be excited by how hard you are working. Know that you will be rewarded for your efforts. The foundation you are building can support everything you desire. The future is yours!

Tell yourself… “Today, I am securing my future with my thoughts and actions. I am taking the most important steps to reach my goals. I am laying the foundation for an amazing future.”

Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. What is my ultimate vision for my life? What have I been doing to move toward that?

  2. What can I do today to ensure my life is better in the future?

  3. What are the greatest obstacles to living the life of my dreams?


Self Improvement - Building Your Self-Esteem By Conquering Challenges


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